Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Modern Warriors

In the day of ancient Chinese civilization there lived the Samurai, Honourable, Legendary, and Epic. Next came the Roman Gladiator, Strong, bold, and never ending resiliency. These legendary soldiers were followed by the Medieval Knights who were as enduring and fearless as the strong winged eagle. But todays warriors take on a much different form. The Warriors of today are much younger, they can range anywhere from twelve to twenty. These Warriors prefer to use hiding methods, rather than confronting their enemy. This great new invention called the Internet has allowed even the smallest of warriors to use their voice, and act tough. This revolutionary group is growing day to day, creating the largest group of "haters" known to man. This truly honourable group uses sites such as "Facebook," "Twitter," "YouTube" and "MySpace" to show everyone just how brawny they are. These soldiers often referred to as "Trolls," make their way through all sorts of groups, and personal profiles, showing off their might, with insulting comments, and offensive remarks. Trolls are simply the toughest people in the world today, their internet comments resemble the strength of the ancient Spartan Warriors. Trolls internet combat method is simple; have an ability to make anyone very illogical, this is exactly how they defeat your self-esteem. Trolls internet combat methods are simply legendary, watching them win a pointless argument about virtually nothing by throwing out a couple "Cool story bro[s]" is like watching a lioness stalk and massacre a gazelle. The warfare genius that is used by these chivalrous soldiers, is truly an art form, for the whole world to marvel at.

User Profile

Taylor McCrae may appear to be an average young man from middle class family. But what everyone fails to realize is he is a Brickbreaker world champion. Now I know what you're thinking, "What could possibly be exciting about this kids stupid game on his phone?" Simple he is honestly the best Brickbreaker player ever to grace the earth with his presence. His attributes consist of speed greater than a one legged man in a kicking contest, his grace and lateral movement resemble a modern day Mark Messier. Taylors nerves of steel never waiver, despite the constant trials he endures, he shows nerves as grand as Dirty Harry, maybe even grander. I can't emphasize enough how immaculate this mans artistry is. He shows as much poise as a flock of hummingbirds hanging in the air, his falters are as brief as the twinkling of an eye. His mastery is one of the worlds greatest sites, maybe even the eighth wonder of the world?