Monday, February 20, 2012

Punishment, or Rehabilitation?

Taylor McCrae
117 Oak Ave,
Kaleden, B.C.
V0H 1K0

February 10, 2011

John Smith
City Hall 568 Main Steet
Small Village, B.C.

Dear Mr. Smith:

   The severity of the situation you have been put in is nothing to be taken lightly. Being the man that I am, I truly believe that no one deserves to die. The Holocaust was a tragic affair that will live in infamy forever, and the thought that our villages hero was an architect of it is a appalling matter. 

   Gunther Grass' actions proved him to be a very evil man, in the past. Although he appears to be awful, we need to take into consideration what he has done since his days in the S.S. Mr. Grass has become the most valuable citizen in our small town, and we need to honestly consider what good would come of sending him to prison. The main purpose of encarceration is to rehabilitate, and have time to reflect on what changes you must make in your life, to become a better person. I can truly say without a doubt in my mind that Gunther Grass is a rehabititted man.

   Something that also needs to be taken into consideration is the substancial cost it would be to inprison Mr. Grass. It costs approximatly $70,000 per year to uphold a prisoner every year. This is a lot of money, for someone who is in the twilight of their life. It would truly be a waste of that money, because it would be much more useful for sturggling families accross the country, that have trouble every night feeding their family. To put Mr. Grass in prison would be a giant mistake.

   We also must consider the affect on our community. If Mr.Grass is no longer allowed to run his factory, over half the people in our town will lose their jobs. This is a very serious consequnce. If The good people of our town lose their jobs, it will force a mass move, based on the fact that the factory makes up the majority of our undiversified employment. Also many people will lose out on the support that he gives them to help them make ends meet. This would be awful, because small children will be going hungry, and probably die, or be taken away from their parents.

   Mr. Grass is truly a model citizen. We need to consider what he's doing, rather than what he's done. Grass although previously violent, evil, malevolent man is now a reformed hero like man. Gunter Grass needs to remain as the man he is now.


Taylor McCrae

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